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Falmouth Town Centre Gateway Improvements (EDG2148)
Closed Closed
Start:Sep 14, 2023
End:Oct 5, 2023
Results Published:Nov 30, 2023  
Subject: Roads transport and parking
Consultation Reference Number :2205
Scheme Reference Number:EDG2148

Consultation Summary

Cormac Solutions Ltd on behalf of Cornwall Council and Falmouth Town Council is inviting comments on proposals improve the effectiveness of the Pedestrian and Cyclist Zone on Market Street/Church Street, Falmouth.  It is proposed:

- To improve compliance, relocate the rising bollard currently positioned on Church Street the gateway to the restricted area (at the start of Market Street).
- Gateway features to improve the overall aesthetic of and emphasise the gateway to Market Street and the town centre. Installing of new signage, lining and a blended pedestrian crossing.


To amend this traffic restriction an ETRO trial was put in place in May 2021 (subsequently made permanent in 2022). To support compliance with the trial marshals were provided, however funding for marshals came to an end in February 2022 and there have been complaints about a rise in vehicles now entering the high street during the Pedestrian Zone restricted hours. 

Scheme Objectives


Further Details:

Consultation Method: email, post
Department: Communities

Contact Information:

CORMAC Solutions
Phone: 01872 327281


Copyright Cornwall Council 2011