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Infra23-006 - Portreath, Tregea Hill - Restrictions on waiting, extension of 30mph speed limit and advisory cycle lane (Region West)
Closed Closed
Start:Nov 30, 2023
End:Dec 22, 2023
Results Published:Feb 20, 2024  
Subject: Roads transport and parking
Consultation Reference Number :2229
Scheme Reference Number:Infra23-006

Consultation Summary

Cormac Solutions Ltd on behalf of Cornwall Council is inviting comments on a proposal to introduce ‘No waiting at any time’ (double yellow lines), ‘No Loading at any time’ and an extension of the existing 30mph speed limit on Tregea Hill, Portreath.   
It is also proposed to introduce an advisory cycle lane on the northern side of the carriageway.


Significant on-street parking takes place on Tregea Hill, particularly during the holiday season, there are concerns for the safety of vulnerable road users as well as the impact on traffic flow.

Scheme Objectives

The main purpose of the scheme is to prevent inappropriate parking, promote active travel and ensure the safety of vulnerable road users, whilst maintaining adequate traffic flow.


Further Details:

Consultation Method: email, post
Department: Communities

Contact Information:

Sara Marchesini
Phone: 01872 327250


Copyright Cornwall Council 2011